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Mix them together well and apply the balm to your sunburned skin. Tannins and antioxidants in the tea will make your skin feel better pretty quickly. Then apply the vinegar. 1.. Break open 3 or 4 vitamin E capsules into a small bowl and add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a third of a cup of aloe vera gel (the fresher the better). All 3 ingredients are pretty inexpensive and can be found in just about any health food store as well as many grocery stores. Simply soak some towels with the tea and lay them on the sunburned areas. White Vinegar -- One of the best home remedies for sunburn is white vinegar. Don't rub or use soap because that can dry and irritate the skin even more. This natural remedy is extremely effective at cooling sunburned skin while providing nutrients that greatly decrease the time needed to heal damaged skin! A few other simple things you can do to heal a sunburn quickly include: drinking lots of pure water throughout the day, eating lots of vitamin C-rich foods, and staying in the shade until your sunburn completely heals. The fat and other compounds in the milk will relieve much of the pain as well as moisturize the skin to help with healing. 3. Unsweetened Tea -- Applying cold, sugarless black or green tea to sunburned skin can help relieve the pain and speed healing.. Whole-Fat Milk -- People have been using whole milk to soothe sunburns for centuries. First clean the burned skin with cool water. It will smell bad at first but the smell will soon dissipate. . Again, be sure not to use soap! 4. Your skin should feel much, much better almost immediately! 2. Just soak a soft towel in the milk and dab it on the skin for about 20 to 30 minutes. Vitamin E/Aloe Vera/Apple Cider Vinegar Balm -- You can make a sunburn balm that's just as powerful as anything you can find in the drugstore by simply mixing some vitamin E oil with apple cider vinegar and aloe vera gel.When it comes to sunburn remedies, everyone seems to have their own special "recipe" to soothe the pain. Let the vinegar dry (which usually takes about 5 minutes). Pat the skin dry with a soft towel. Do this twice a day Diffuser set for the next few days. You can soak towels with it and lay them on the burned skin for a few minutes. Afterwards take a cool shower or rinse with cold water to rinse the milk off. There are also dozens of ready-made (and often expensive) lotions, creams, and gels that claim to help relieve sunburn pain, heal the skin, and prevent peeling. Cold, wet tea bags are especially useful for sunburned eyelids because the tea won't sting your eyes like the vinegar. But, if you really want to heal a sunburn fast, you don't need to make any crazy concoctions or spend a lot of money! Here are a few simple, cheap and effective natural sunburn remedies you can try next time you forget the to put on the sunscreen. Or you can fill a spray bottle with vinegar and spray it directly onto the skin.